"After extensive experience in assessing businesses from the point of view of an institutional stock exchange investor perspective, we appreciate the effort and innovation of entrepreneurs in building their businesses.
At VesCapital, we strive to help you realise your vision."

VesCapital is a collective of a skilled workforce with over 20 years of experience in the capital market, in managerial positions in financial institutions, banks and brokerage houses. Working for our clients, we use an extensive network of professional contacts in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe and around the world. This also allows us to meet the requirements of various market sectors, including fintech, MedTech, mining, energy, computer games, logistics and production.


Jakub Bartkiewicz

Senior Partner

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What we do

VesCapital is a collective of a skilled workforce with over 20 years of experience in the capital market, in managerial positions in financial institutions, banks and brokerage houses.
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Mergers and acquisitions

Doradztwo przy sprzedaży i kupna przedsiębiorstw. Fuzje i łączenia przedsiębiorstw. Wezwania do sprzedaży akcji i de-listing. Relacje z funduszami PE/VC.
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Corporate finance

Bank financing, finance structuring Debt issues, private debt, mezzanine Issue of stocks and shares Fundraising
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Strategic consulting

- Strategia rynkowa i strategia przedsiębiorstw. - Wsparcie decyzji menadżerskich. Interim management.
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Restrukturyzacje przedsiębiorstw. Restrukturyzacje długu i kapitałowe. Restrukturyzacje operacyjne. Wyprzedaż aktywów.
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Capital Markets

Emisje publiczne, debiuty giełdowe. Długoterminowe strategie kapitałowe. Doradztwo w zakresie strategii i jej komunikacji z inwestorami.
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Market analysis and research

Wyceny spółek. Analizy wartości przedsiębiorstw. Modelowanie finansowe. Analizy rynkowe i branżowe. Biznes plany, feasibility study.
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What we do

VesCapital is a collective of a skilled workforce with over 20 years of experience in the capital market, in managerial positions in financial institutions, banks and brokerage houses.
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Mergers and acquisitions

Doradztwo przy sprzedaży i kupnie przedsiębiorstw.
Mergers of enterprises.
Calls for the sale of shares and de-listing.
Relations with PE/VC funds.

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Corporate finance

Bank financing, finance
Debt issues, private debt, mezzanine.
Issue of stocks and shares.

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Strategic consulting

Market strategy and corporate strategy.
Managerial decisions support.
Interim management.

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Capital Markets

Public issues, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).
Long-term capital strategies.
Strategic advisory and communication
with investors.

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Market analysis and research

Business valuations.
Business value analysis.
Financial modelling.
Analizy rynkowe i branżowe.
Business plans, feasibility study.

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Enterprises restructuring.
Debt and capital restructuring.
Operational restructuring.
Sale of assets.

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Our company's specialists have many years of experience in finance, banking and investment funds. They successfully delivered multiple transactions, managed organizations under stress, conducted many restructuring and refinancing processes.
Jakub Bartkiewicz

Jakub Bartkiewicz – związany zawodowo z rynkiem finansowym od 1995 r. Absolwent SGH w Warszawie. Współzałożyciel wielu firm, w tym doradztwa strategicznego, domu maklerskiego oraz założyciel i zarządzający funduszami inwestycyjnymi typu private equity.

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What our clients say

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VesCapital members acted as financial advisors in transactions with a total value of over PLN 12,5 billion.

1 mln PLN

Value of the share issue

1 mln PLN

Value of mergers and acquisitions

1 mln PLN

Value of assets under management

1 mln PLN

The value of the restructuring

1 +

Bond issue

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VesCapital’s activities are pan-European, with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern European and German speaking countries. Members of our team not only worked in this region, but also conducted extensive investment activities based on their own know-how and experience.

Our activities are supported by a long-standing network of investors and entrepreneurs who are experts in their field. Together, we can provide our clients with the best knowledge to build the company’s value together.

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We have conducted hundreds of capital transactions for our clients with a total value of nearly PLN 10 billion. We have served companies from various industries, including service, production, and technology sectors.
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Contact Us

+48 603 660 733

Over 20 years of experience in the Polish capital market.


We are available to answer any questions you may have.